The Isagenix MLM Opportunity is In the Health and Wellness Industry. Information is as follows:
Isagenix as an MLM company that sells personal care and dietary products. It was founded in 2002 by Jim Coover, Kathy Coover, and John Anderson and is located in Gilbert, Arizona.
Since their founding in 2002, they have reached above a quarter billion dollars in revenue within 10 years.
More specifically with their dietary supplement product line, Isagenix cells protein shakes, weight loss supplements, meals, and diet snacks. As far as their personal care products they sell cosmetics, skincare, and anti-aging products.
Their weight loss supplements reduce body toxins and impurities. These products include:
Their energy supplements give a mix of carbohydrates that fuel your energy and includes:
Their performance enhancing supplements help you increase your optimal performance by way of energy boosters and nutrients while supporting muscle growth. These products include:
Their anti-aging supplements help reduce the aging process with effective micro-nutrients. These products include:
Their snacks and meals help maintain your healthy lifestyle. Their products include:
The skincare products include enhanced ingredients combined with scientific studies in nature. Among their products include:
Isagenix Company has a quality regulatory technology and science department that consists of scientists, dietitians, and nutritionist professionals. This department has a no-compromise policy toward the quality of products regardless of how big their company gets. Their main goal is to maintain the integrity and performance of their products.
Isagenix MLM believes that the best rewards in life are achieved by talking with other people. Therefore the company has a wealth creation product Incorporated into a multilevel marketing system. The company will reward you for sharing the products that you love. They also have the tools and training in place to help you succeed with the program.
They have an “Eat It, Love It, Share It” system.
Isagenix believes in giving their time and talents charitable giving. Therefore they have given to a number of organizations and charities which include:
Recently Isagenix also hosted a Global Giveback Day which encourages everyone involved with the company to give back to their local communities.
Jun 20, 19 11:34 AM
Feb 06, 19 08:27 AM
Jan 29, 19 11:22 AM