The nature of marketing in the mlm industry aligns itself with the definition of marketing according to the American Marketing Association. Their definition states that markting is an activity or process for communicating or delivering offerings that have value for customers.
Basically marketing is identifying:
However many people confuse the definition of marketing with promotion. When people promote things, they use traditional promotional methods such as:
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Take notice that network marketing companies do not pay for traditional marketing methods. Instead they use the money to pay their independent representatives to market their products directly to the consumer instead.
Companies that market their products understand that customers have Needs, Wants and Demands.
When it comes to MOST network marketing companies, they take specific steps in order to market their product to you.
1. First they focus on why you NEED the products that they are offering. Not their particular product, but just their product in general.
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2. Second, they will focus on why you should want their water.
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3. Third they will focus on why should demand their product.
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Nature of marketing in the mlm industry is . . . as an independent representative, you are educating the customer why they need your product (marketing). The company provides you with methods and mlm strategies in order to convey the right message to them.
Network marketing companies then train you on how to use each of the above items to capture the attention of the market in the way that it would influence their decision to buy the product.
After doing this, you’re company will have a way the customer can have a seamless transaction between the both of you.
Network marketing is basically what it is. You represent your company and market the company's products to your network.
Jun 20, 19 11:34 AM
Feb 06, 19 08:27 AM
Jan 29, 19 11:22 AM